5 questions to ask yourself about your mobile strategy

Webvalue Mobile Strategy Blog Post

We know that more than half of web traffic comes from mobile.1 Despite these numbers, mobile conversion rates are lower than desktop.2

Milliseconds earn millions: Why mobile speed can slow or grow your business

Webvalue  Mobile Strategy Blog Post

Mary Ellen Coe is the president of Google Customer Solutions. Here she explains why more businesses, even beyond e-commerce, should look to mobile site speed as a growth driver.

I meet with hundreds of business owners and executives a year, from Merz Apothecary, a local pharmacy in Chicago to major international brands. And what they all have in common is that they want to grow. While there are as many growth strategies as there are types of businesses, there’s one area where nearly every business has room to improve: the mobile web.

Make it fast and frictionless: The best ways to win on the mobile web

Webvalue Mobile Web Blog Post

we’ve all been there before: You try to search for something and make a simple purchase on your mobile phone, and you find roadblocks everywhere. The site is too slow to load. It’s impossible to find the item you’re looking for. The checkout process takes forever. You abandon your cart in frustration.

This familiar situation can have a considerable impact on a brand’s bottom line. Even a one-second delay in load time can impact conversion by up to 20%1, meaning too many Canadian companies are missing out on conversions that should be quick and easy.

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